Dynamics of consumer perception

Sara King/ January 4, 2018/ Book Chapter/ 0 comments

Methods for Consumer Research, Volume One: New Approaches to Classic Methods brings together world leading experts in global consumer research who provide a fully comprehensive state-of-the-art coverage of advances in the classical methods of consumer science. The book touches on the latest developments in qualitative techniques, including coverage of both focus groups and social media, while also focusing on liking,

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Temporal methods add to innovation

Sara King/ September 3, 2017/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

Conventional sensory methods often characterize products as if they are a static aggregation of attribute intensities. But it has long been recognized that many products have an important temporal component, and examples of this are seemingly limitless; consider that foods are chewed and broken down prior to swallowing with accompanying texture changes and flavour release, that carbonated beverages elicit numbing

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Perception dynamics of grain-based ready-to-eat cereal products using TCATA

Sara King/ October 31, 2016/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

The breakdown of grain-based ready-to-eat cereals in the mouth occurs relatively quickly, but it is at this stage when the consumer experiences directly the sensory properties of the cereal. The feelings, tastes, flavors, and sounds elicited in mouth are not static. Rather, these sensations are perceived dynamically, and evolve within each bite, and over the multi-bite eating experience. Temporal check-all-that-apply

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Evaluation of consumer perception dynamics 2.0

Sara King/ October 28, 2016/ Workshop/ 0 comments

Over the last decade, so-called rapid methods for sensory evaluation have been developed to permit consumers to characterize products. The possibility to analyze both sensory perception data and hedonic and other data arising from the same consumers presents new opportunities, but also new challenges to investigate hedonic drivers and other interesting aspects.

Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA): A novel dynamic method for characterizing products

Sara King/ January 17, 2016/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) is introduced as a new dynamic method for describing multidimensional sensory properties of products as they evolve over time. TCATA extends the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method. Selection and deselection of attributes are tracked continuously over time, permitting assessors to characterize the evolution of sensory changes in products. TCATA is presented using results from trained panel evaluations of yogurt

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Comparison of TCATA and TDS for dynamic sensory characterization of food products

Sara King/ October 22, 2015/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) has been recently introduced as a method for temporal sensory product characterization. Building on the standard Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) question format, assessors select all the terms they consider applicable for describing the sensations they perceive, and they do so at each moment of the evaluation process.

Visualizing temporal sensory data using animated scatterplots, boxplots, and bagplots

Sara King/ August 11, 2013/ Oral Presentation, Poster/ 0 comments

The complexity of sensory data can be overwhelming to the uninitiated, particularly when considering the nature of time-related testing (Time Intensity, Temporal Dominance of Sensations, Temporal Order of Sensations, Progressive Profiling, etc.). Researchers attempt to simplify the story told by these rich data sets through graphs, but the tools currently available limit the meaningful and approachable visualizations that can be

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