Communicating Results from Temporal Sensory Studies

Sara King/ October 10, 2012/ Workshop/ 0 comments

Various methods are available for characterizing the dynamic sensory properties of foods, beverages, and other products. Conventional temporal methods include time-intensity and discrete evaluation of attributes at specified time points. Time-intensity allows the intensity of one, or at most two, attributes to be tracked continuously with time. The conventional approaches can be applied to capture either intensity or hedonic responses.

Temporal Data

Sara King/ July 10, 2012/ Tutorial/ 0 comments

Many sensory experiences have a temporal dimension, and several approaches have been proposed to capture changes in sensations with time. The workshop will review a few of those methods, including Time intensity, Temporal Attribute Discrimination, Progressive Profiling, Sequential Profiling, Temporal Dominance of Sensations, and Temporal Order of Sensations.

Enriching sensory and consumer datasets with temporal metadata

Sara King/ August 2, 2006/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

Descriptive analysis provides valuable information about the sensory properties of consumer products, but this information lacks the temporal dimensionality of real-world sensory experiences. Type II error occurs when the descriptive sensory panel fails to differentiate between products known to be discriminable. Findlay (2000) reported no meaningful reduction in beta risk when descriptive analysis on manipulated salad dressings was augmented by

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Enriching sensory and consumer datasets with temporal metadata

Sara King/ August 2, 2006/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

Descriptive analysis provides valuable information about the sensory properties of consumer products, but this information lacks the temporal dimensionality of real-world sensory experiences. Type II error occurs when the descriptive sensory panel fails to differentiate between products known to be discriminable. Findlay (2000) reported no meaningful reduction in beta risk when descriptive analysis on manipulated salad dressings was augmented by

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Temporal attribute discrimination

Sara King/ June 10, 2000/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

Analytical sensory profiles are used to guide new product development, match products, and determine the effect of raw material and process changes. Occasionally, products that are not significantly different in sensory profile are found to differ significantly in discrimination tests. Although the magnitude of an attribute may not be significantly different, the time or order of perception of that attribute

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