Consumer perceptions of beer: The role of individual differences

John Castura/ June 3, 2019/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

Taste plays a key role in a consumer’s attitude towards food products and can influence the consumption of that product. One factor, thermal taster status, is determined when the tongue is warmed or cooled, whereby thermal tasters experience phantom taste sensations, while thermal non-tasters do not. Using temporal-check-all-that-apply sensory methodology, we simultaneously investigated the impact of thermal taster status and

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A bitter pill to swallow? Inter-individual variation in sensitivity to tastants and implications for alcohol consumption

John Castura/ April 30, 2019/ Conference Proceedings/ 0 comments

Consumption of alcohol is widespread throughout much of the world, impacting human health and well-being in several ways. Taste (bitterness, sourness, saltiness, sweetness, umami, and oleogustus) is an important driver of consumer preference and intake for many foods and beverages. Here, we report on two studies; the first (S1) assesses general sensitivity (responsiveness) to taste and somatosensory stimuli and its

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