Understanding dynamic perceptions using Temporal check-all-that-apply (TCATA), Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and Progressive profile (PP): a case study with different fermented dairy products
To identify the sensory attributes that guide food choice, classical descriptive analyses are commonly used, however they do not take into account the dynamics involved during oral processing. The use of temporal methods provides more realistic information on the sensory changes during the time, approaching the consumers’ perception. In this sense, the present study aimed to dynamically profile products from three different categories of fermented dairy products using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), Progressive Profiling (PP) and Temporal Check-all-that-apply (TCATA), then to compare the results obtained. The methods are each based on a different cognitive process: dominance conceptualization, intensity measurement, and characterization (by simultaneous marking all that apply), respectively. Seven strawberry-flavored and ready-to-drink samples were used: yogurts (YOG1 and YOG2), fermented whey beverages (FMB1, FMB2, FMB3), and fermented milks (FM1 and FM2).
Consumers (n = 175) were divided randomly among the three methodologies and evaluated the attributes: strawberry, sweet, fermented, milk, sour, bitter, and creaminess according to each
test. For all methods the total duration of the evaluation was 45 s, and consumers were asked to put all the sample (30 g) in the mouth, and ingest it completely after the first 5 s. Furthermore, the time points for the PP method were T1 = 15 s, T2 = 30 s, and T3 = 45 s. Results show that all methods investigated captured the sensory changes during the evaluation of samples. Correlation between results from the diifferent methods are highly correlated, despite arising from different cognitive processes. Finally, it is emphasized that the present findings may provide technical and scientific support to researchers and food producers seeking to understand dynamic perceptions, as well as the most suitable use of each temporal method.
Esmerino, E. A., Castura, J. C., Tavares Filho, E. R., Pinto, L. P. F., Silva, H. L. A., Cruz, A. G., Queiroz, M. F., & Bolini, H. M. A. (2017). Understanding dynamic perceptions using Temporal check-all-that-apply (TCATA), Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and Progressive profile (PP): a case study with different fermented dairy products. 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. 20-24 August. Providence, RI, USA.