A new method for analyzing time intensity curves based on the gamma distribution

Sara King/ May 27, 2012/ Poster/ 0 comments

Single-attribute time-intensity (TI) analysis is used to determine how a sensation changes with time for a given product or stimulus. Intensity data from a single TI panellist can be represented as a curve, which is roughly concave down but may be irregular or skewed. Depending on the system, a TI curve might display multiple peaks, but in some cases TI

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Effective discrimination of meat tenderness using dual attribute time intensity

Sara King/ February 15, 1998/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

We examined the effectiveness of Dual Attribute Time Intensity (DATI) method for assessment of temporal changes in perceived toughness and juiciness, within commercially acceptable meat cuts. Usefulness of DATI in assessing temporal aspects of perception of juiciness and toughness was compared with Single-Attribute Time-Intensity (SATI) and Line Scale Profile.

Dual attribute time intensity sensory evaluation: a new method for temporal measurements of sensory perceptions

Sara King/ July 15, 1997/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

Dual-attribute time-intensity was evaluated as a method for the collection of the perception of two attributes simultaneously. Perceptions of sweetness and peppermint flavour within chewing gum were measured by 10 trained time-intensity panellists using both single-attribute and dual-attribute time-intensity evaluation.

Relationship between sensory time intensity, physiological electromyography and instrumental texture profile analysis measurements of beef tenderness

Sara King/ February 15, 1996/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

The relationship between the perception of tenderness, chewing activity and instrumental compression was explored by time-intensity, electromyography and instrumental texture profile analysis (ITPA). Bovine m. longissmus dorsi from five treatments were evaluated by seven individuals.

An objective numerical method of assessing reliability of time intensity panellists

Sara King/ October 15, 1995/ Peer-reviewed Paper/ 0 comments

A measure of the reliability (T-IR) of time-intensity measurements was developed based on the concept of standard deviation as a measure of panellist variability. The T-IR measure was applied to time-intensity data collected from 10 panellists evaluating the sweetness of 4 model sweetener solutions on horizontal and vertical time-intensity line orientations.

Dual vs. single attribute time-intensity: what can multitasking do for you?

Sara King/ July 30, 1995/ Poster/ 0 comments

Dual-attribute time-intensity is a new technique for evaluating the perception of two sensory attributes simultaneously. In this research, the sensitivity of dual-attribute time intensity was assessed in comparison to the single-attribute time intensity test for the evaluation for sweetness and peppermint flavor. Ten trained time-intensity panellists evaluated the peppermint flavored chewing gum samples varying in the intensity of release of

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