Consumer testing to enable evidence-based business decision-making

John Castura/ June 30, 2019/ Workshop/ 0 comments

By some estimates more than 90% for new food and beverage products fail. In spite of the enormous costs associated with product failures, businesses continue to invest in new product development because the relatively few products that succeed provide business growth and profits. Consumer purchase and repurchase are essential to the success of new products. Consumers are decision makers: by

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Analyzing data from sensory discrimination tests: Parameter estimates and confidence regions

John Castura/ June 30, 2019/ Oral Presentation/ 0 comments

The sensory profile of a food product is an important contributor to its identity, and is linked to brand value. Sensory testing provide an objective way to ensure that the product’s target sensory profile is achieved, e.g., after making production changes. Historical data, including business outcomes, can provide context to assist decision making. Unreplicated sensory discrimination tests without response bias

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