Modelling temporal sensory data via a graphic theoretical approach

John Castura/ April 10, 2018/ Oral Presentation, Workshop/ 0 comments

A graphic theoretical approach is applied to investigate perception dynamics.

First, TCATA are investigated: sensory attributes are modelled as vertices and concurrent perception as edges, the size and width of each corresponding to the momentary elicitations and the concurrent elicitations, respectively. Temporal product differences are investigated to determine product differences over the evaluation duration. But TDS data does not lend itself as readily to this type of analysis because the task for each assessor involves selection of only one (dominant) attributes at a time. For this reason, all data sets considered in this workshop are (re-)analyzed within localized temporal ranges, where attribute citations elicited within the temporal window are considered to be co-elicited. Cliques and attribute structures are identified. Product differences and method-related differences at different time points are discussed.

Castura, J. C. (2018). Modelling temporal sensory data via a graphic theoretical approach. In: An in-depth look into collection and analysis of temporal data: A case study with TDS and TCATA (Varela, P., Berget, I., Castura, J. C., Meyners, M., Schlich, P., Ares, G.). Sensometrics 2018. 9-12 April. Montevideo, Uruguay. (Workshop Oral).

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