Feedback calibration: A training method for descriptive panels
Training targets were established using descriptive analysis profiles of 20 commercial red wines produced by a well-trained, experienced determination panel. After recruitment, screening and a basic sensory orientation of ten 2 h common training sessions, 16 inexperienced panelists were divided by lottery into two panels. The control panel received a more conventional performance debriefing at the end of each training session. The experimental panel only received immediate graphical computerized feedback while in sensory booths. Both panels evaluated the same 20 wines and used the same scales and attributes. Panels were calibrated and responses compared to training targets. Performance was monitored daily as panels continued over a three-week period. Distance from target measurements showed similar improvement trends for both groups as measured by panelist and panel calibration. Results suggest the effectiveness of the feedback calibration method (FCM) in providing unbiased and effective training.
Findlay, C. J., Castura, J. C., & Lesschaeve, I. (2007). Feedback calibration: A training method for descriptive panels. Food Quality and Preference, 18, 321-328.