Relationship between dynamic sensory profile and static liking: Dominance vs. description
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The world of consumer and sensory research and evaluation is full of a lot of significant academic and business centric research. The goal of this curated symposium is to present IFT members with a dialog between experts on the real truths behind practices that both practitioners and recipients of results might feel are commonly agreed upon approaches. Sensory booths and
Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA; Castura et al., 2016) is a temporal sensory method in which assessors track changes in the applicability of sensory attributes to describe a sample during an evaluation. Data provide information on the complex dynamic profile of products. TCATA curves can be used to show attribute citation proportions over time, or differences in citation proportions between pairs of
During the last decade there have been a number of areas in Sensory Science that have benefited from research into new methods, statistics, physiology and genetics. This has resulted in significant research activities and eventual commercialization of these advances.
Wine quality is associated with the pleasantness of flavours, tastes, and mouthfeels that linger and evolve after swallowing. In a designed experiment, Baker et al. (submitted) started with musts with different initial sugar contents (21 and 27 °Brix) to produce two wines varying in ethanol content, Low and High, with 10 and 15.5% v/v, respectively. A third wine, Low-to-high, was
Two panels evaluated 6 whole grain breads in duplicate. The consumer panel (n=93), drawn from an active database, used 32 CATA sensory and emotion terms to describe samples, and gave hedonic responses. The FCM® trained descriptive panel (n=12), drawn from a pool of trained assessors, used a common lexicon of 57 defined sensory attributes. Multivariate sensory spaces for CATA and
It is common practice to incorporate chance and significance lines in Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) curves. These lines draw attention to time intervals at which an attribute is cited (significantly) more often than would be expected by chance.
Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) data consist of temporal sequences of dominant attributes. TDS has been conventionally performed with trained assessors, but recently TDS has been proposed as a rapid method using consumers.
Studies that investigate drivers of consumer liking involve both descriptive sensory and consumer data collection. These two components can be run in parallel to reduce project time, but at significant expense.
Sensory descriptive analysis of whisky is a valuable tool for understanding the sensory properties of products, the impact of process, aging and blending. When descriptive analysis (DA) is calibrated it can be used to compare products over time and origin. Traditionally, calibration was achieved by lengthy training of panellists and the precision of their results was limited. This made DA