A comparison of two rapid methods for dynamic sensory profiling: TDS and Temporal CATA
Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) data consist of temporal sequences of dominant attributes. TDS has been conventionally performed with trained assessors, but recently TDS has been proposed as a rapid method using consumers. The main potential problem of this approach is consumers’ understanding of the concept of attribute dominance. Alternatively, temporal check-all-that-apply (temporal CATA, or TCATA) is introduced as a novel method for dynamic sensory characterization. TCATA extends the use of check-all-that-apply questions by allowing continuous selection of attributes based on applicability or presence. Multiple attributes can be selected concurrently. Deselection indicates that the attribute is no longer applicable. TCATA can be used with trained assessors or consumers. When used with consumers it meets criteria for being a rapid method and easy for consumers to understand. In the present work TCATA and TDS were assessed as potential rapid methods for dynamic sensory profiling with consumers. A consumer study involved the evaluation of 6 orange juices (P1 to P6) formulated using different sweeteners. Consumers were randomly allocated to the TCATA (n=51) or TDS (n=50) methods. Six sensory attributes were used to characterize samples. Conclusions regarding differences among samples were similar for both methodologies. However, several differences were identified. Various products showed high levels of concurrent attribute selection in TCATA. Matching times in TDS showed a damping effect, in which attributes competed, pushing proportions of each attribute closer to chance proportions (as in P5) or a kingmaker effect, in which the dominance of one attribute lead to underemphasis of other attributes (as in P3). Where the latter effect prevails, the dominant attribute is not necessarily considered applicable at higher levels, which suggests TDS is somewhat sensitive to panelist heterogeneity. Results from the present work suggest that TCATA could be more appropriate than TDS for dynamic sensory profiling with consumers.
Castura, J. C., Alcaire, F., Zorn, S., Vidal, L. & Ares, G. (2014). A comparison of two rapid methods for dynamic sensory profiling: TDS and Temporal CATA. Society of Sensory Professionals 2014 Conference. 17-19 September. Tucson, AZ, USA.